Acidophilous beech and mixed fir-beech forests on nutrient-poor soils in the nemoral zone of temperate Europe and as relicts at high altitudes of Corsica
Luzulo-Fagetalia sylvaticae Scamoni et Passarge 1959
Luzulo-Fagetalia sylvaticae Scamoni et Passarge 1959
fag03 | The classification of the Luzulo-Fagetalia and the Luzulo-Fagion is highly controversial. Some authors classify these syntaxa in the Quercetea robori-sessiliflorae (e.g. Theurillat et al. 1995). However, the montane acidophilous beech forests of Central and Southern Europe are floristically closely connected with those of base-rich substrates (e.g. Bergmeier & Dimopoulos 2001; Willner 2002; Tzonev et al. 2006). (E. Bergmeier, M. Chytrý, R. Di Pietro, W. Willner) L. Mucina and J.-P. Theurillat prefer classifying the Luzulo-Fagetalia within the Quercetea robori-sessiliflorae.