nec06 | The communities of the alliance Lobarion pulmonariae are characterised by the presence of large foliose lichens and bryophytes characteristic of the Neckeretea complanatae and the Antitrichietalia, and partly also of the Frullanio-Leucodontetea. Marstaller (1986) typified the Antitrichietalia curtipendulae Šmarda et Hadač in Klika et Hadač 1944 by selecting the Lobarion pulmonariae Ochsner 1928 as the lectotype. (H. Bültmann).
Antitrichion curtipendulae von Krusenstjerna 1945
Isothecion myuri Waldheim 1944
Isothecion vivipari Ştefureac 1941
– nec07 Marstaller (2006) considers the name Isothecion vivipari as a nomen dubium (ICPN art. 38). However after the consideration of the tables in Ştefureac (1941) we do not agree. Barkman (1958: 515) included one of the validly described associations by Ştefureac (1941) into the synonymy to the Antitrichietum curtipendulae, and we follow by placing the Isothecion vivipari in synonymy of the Lobarion. (H. Bültmann).
Leucodontion sciuroidis von Krusenstjerna 1945 (as suballiance)
– nec08 Von Krusenstjerna (1945) attached this non-nitrophilous suballiance together with the nitrophilous suballiance 'Eu-Xanthorion von Krusenstjerna 1945' to the 'Xanthorion Du Rietz 1945'. (H. Bültmann).