Alliance SH02D (VNI-02D)

Lecideion gypsicolae Crespo et Barreno 1975

Crustose lichen communities on moderately nutrient-rich gypsum substrates

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Accepted name

Lecideion gypsicolae Crespo et Barreno 1975

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Lecideion gypsicolae Crespo et Barreno 1975



vni07 | The Lecideion gypsicolae was originally classified within the Fulgensietalia desertori by Crespo & Barreno (1975), but the dominance of saxicolous-calcicolous species suggests that this alliance belongs to the Aspicilietalia calcareae. (H. Bültmann).

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