Alliance KC11H (ASP-11H)

Hieracion carpetani González-Albo 1941

Chasmophytic vegetation of siliceous rock crevices at high altitudes of the Central and Northern Iberian Peninsula

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Accepted name

Hieracion carpetani González-Albo 1941

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Hieracion carpetani González-Albo 1941



asp22 | González-Albo (1941) described validly the Hieracion carpetani as well as the Hieracietum carpetani (this association automatically becomes the holotypus of the Hieracion carpetani). Rivas-Martínez et al. (2011: 215) ignored the Hieracietum carpetani in their otherwise exhaustive account of associations, and placed the Hieracion carpetani (invoking ICPN art. 38) into synonymy with the Saxifragion willkommianae. Due to a lack of appropriate arguments required to prove the name Hieracion carpetani invalid or illegitimate, the latter name remains the valid name for this syntaxonomic concept until proven otherwise. (L. Mucina).


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