Therophyte-rich zoogenic vegetation of mammal lairs under stone overhangs in the mountains of Europe, Middle East, Central Asia and southern Africa
Hackelio deflexae-Blitetalia foliosi Mucina in Mucina et al. 2016
Hackelio deflexae-Blitetalia foliosi Mucina in Mucina et al. 2016
sis07 | This vegetation offers a window into the vegetation of naturally disturbed sites such as mammal lairs (incl. those of pre-historic man). As a rule, it only occurs in small patches, under rock overhangs. They exemplify a precious relict of the pre-historic zoo-anthropogenic communities. Syntaxonomically it deserves recognition at least at the level of order that, at present, contains only one validly described alliance − the Erysimo wittmannii-Hackelion (Bernátová 1986: 55); this alliance is designated here as the holotypus (hoc loco) of the new order. Further syntaxa shall undoubtedly be described from other continents (Asia, Africa). The diagnostic species of the order are the same as stipulated for the alliance in its protologue: Anisantha tectorum, Arabis nova, Asperugo procumbens, Blitum foliosum, Corydalis capnoides, Cynoglossum officinale, Descurainia sophia, Erysimum wittmannii, Hackelia deflexa and Poa nemoralis. A detailed syntaxonomic synthesis of these communities is under preparation. (L. Mucina).