Tall-herb fringe wet meadow vegetation on neutral and slightly basic mineral soils in the submontane and montane belts of Western and Central Europe
Filipendulo-Petasition Br.-Bl. ex Duvigneaud 1949
Filipendulo-Petasition Br.-Bl. ex Duvigneaud 1949
mol28 | Floristic differences between this alliance and the Calthion palustris are small and therefore both alliances should be merged. (M. Chytrý) These tall-forb communities, forming successional stages of abandoned wet grasslands, along ditches and forest-edge are structurally and ecologically so different from the managed grasslands of the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea that they should be classified within the Filipendulo ulmariae-Lotetalia uliginosi and, together with the Petasito-Chaerophylletalia and the Convolvuletalia sepium, placed within a separate class of natural and semi-natural tall-forb communities of moist to wet habitats − the Filipendulo ulmariae-Convolvuletea sepium. Yet, currently there seems to be no valid name available for this class concept. (J. Dengler, J.-P. Theurillat).