Hedysaro caucasicae–Geranion gymnocauli Onipchenko 2002
– tri10 The Festucion woronowii Tsepkova 1987 and the Hedysaro caucasicae-Geranion gymnocauli Onipchenko 2002 demonstrate a high degree of floristic similarity and therefore should be considered as one syntaxonomic concept. (N. Ermakov, L. Mucina).
Violo altaicae–Festucion variae Onipchenko 2002
– tri11 In case this syntaxon would be recognised as different to the Festucion woronowii Tsepkova 1987, its name has to be corrected to the Violo altaicae-Festucion woronowii. Festuca varia Haenke s.str. is endemic to the Alps (Wallosek 1999). This name has been applied in the Caucasus to Festuca woronowii Hack. (F. varia complex) which has two subspecies in the Caucasus − subsp. woronowii and subsp. caucasica (St.-Yves) E.B. Alexeev (syn. F. karabaghensis Mussajev). (L. Mucina).
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