Cisto salviifolii-Ericion cinereae Géhu in Bardat et al. 2004
Ericion aragonensis Rivas-Mart. 1962
Ericion australis Bellot et Casaseca in Bellot 1966
Genisto-Ericion aragonensis Rivas-Mart. 1962
Halimio-Ulicion Rothmaler 1954
– uli05 Rothmaler (1954: 599) validly published the name Halimio-Ulicion. The original diagnosis of the alliance contains three associations of which two were validly published (Rothmaler 1954: synoptic Table 1), namely the Pterospartio-Ericetum aragonensis Rothmaler 1954 nom. illeg. (ICPN art. 34) and the Pterospartio-Ericetum cinereae Rothmaler 1954. Both associations contain two species of the genus Halimium (H. alyssoides and H. umbellatum). The third element of the alliance, the Pterospartio-Ericetum gallaecicum Rothmaler 1954, was published invalidly because the synoptic table is missing the species of frequency below the constancy degree IV (ICPN art. 7). (J.-P. Theurillat).
Pterospartion Rothmaler 1943
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