Alliance TH01C (CLE-01C)

Dicranellion heteromallae Philippi 1963

Sub-hygrophilous bryophyte communities occasionally with lichens on acidic loamy and gravelly soils

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Accepted name

Dicranellion heteromallae Philippi 1963 nom. conserv. propos.

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Dicranellion heteromallae Philippi 1963 nom. conserv. propos.



cle05 | Following a suggestion by Philippi (1963: 104), Marstaller (1993: 535) proposed to conserve the established name 'Dicranellion heteromallae Philippi 1963' against the names 'Pogonato urnigeri-Atrichion undulati von Krusenstjerna 1945', 'Pogonation aloidis Philippi 1956' and 'Solenostomion crenulati Philippi 1956'. (H. Bültmann).


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