Alliance OC01B (ISO-01B)

Cicendion (Rivas Goday in Rivas Goday et Borja 1961) Br.-Bl. 1967

Pioneer ephemeral herb-rich vegetation of oligotrophic temporarily flooded depressions of the Western Mediterranean

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Accepted name

Cicendion (Rivas Goday in Rivas Goday et Borja 1961) Br.-Bl. 1967

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Cicendion (Rivas Goday in Rivas Goday et Borja 1961) Br.-Bl. 1967



iso02 | Brullo & Minissale (1998) classified this alliance within the temperate Nanocyperetalia. (L. Mucina).


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