Order CA03 (FAG-03)

Carpinetalia betuli P. Fukarek 1968

Oak-hornbeam and mesic oak forests on deep nutrient-rich soils of the temperate Europe

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Accepted name

Carpinetalia betuli P. Fukarek 1968

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Carpinetalia betuli P. Fukarek 1968



fag12 | Bardat et al. (2004) used the rank of suborder (the Carpino betuli-Fagenalia sylvaticae; typus: Carpinion betuli; valid name: Carpino betuli-Fagenalia sylvaticae Rameau in Royer et al. 2006) for this syntaxonomic concept. (J.-P. Theurillat).


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