Sedge-moss vegetation of slightly to strongly acidic minerotrophic moderately-rich or poor fens in the boreal and temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere and in the supramediterranean belt of Southern European mountains
Caricetalia magellanicae de Foucault ex Julve 1993
(2b, 3b)
Caricetalia nigrae Koch 1926 nom. mut. propos.
– sch15 Steiner (1993b: 142; see also Theurillat 1997), Rivas-Martínez et al. (2002a: 252) and Hájek & Hájková (in Chytrý 2011: 618) formally suggested this name change. This case was handled by the Nomenclature Commission, and no conclusion has been met as yet (Willner et al. 2011). (L. Mucina).
Drepanocladetalia exannulati Krajina 1933
Drepanocladetalia exannulati Krajina 1934
– sch16 The second part of the Krajina's paper was published in 1933 and not in 1934 as usually erroneously cited. (J.-P. Theurillat).
Molinio-Caricetalia fuscae Duvigneaud 1949
– sch17 Duvigneaud (1949) refers to Nordhagen (‘1936’, recte: 1937), hence introducing a new (superfluous) name for the Caricetalia goodenowii. (L. Mucina).
Narthecietalia Lakušić 1968
Narthecietalia Lakušić 1973
Scheuchzerio-Caricetalia fuscae (Koch 1926) Görs et T. Müller in Oberd. et al. 1967