Order ME02 (THE-02)

Camphorosmo-Salicornietalia Borhidi 1996

Eurasian subcontinental-continental hypersaline vegetation dominated by annual succulents on solonchak and solonetz soils of inland salt pans

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Accepted name

Camphorosmo-Salicornietalia Borhidi 1996

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Camphorosmo-Salicornietalia Borhidi 1996



the05 | The name Camphorosmo-Salicornietalia Borhidi 1996 was typified in the protologue (Borhidi 1996) by the Salicornion herbaceae Soó 1933. If/when the latter is recognised as a nomen ambiguum, the Camphorosmo-Salicornietalia would be deemed invalid and in need of re-typification. (L. Mucina).

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