Alliance CM07F (MOL-07F)

Brachypodio sylvatici-Holoschoenion romani Gradstein et Smittenberg 1977

Riparian and spring-marsh wet grasslands at mid-altitudes of Crete

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Brachypodio sylvatici-Holoschoenion romani Gradstein et Smittenberg 1977

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Brachypodio sylvatici-Holoschoenion romani Gradstein et Smittenberg 1977



mol26 | The Caricetum creticae (Gradstein & Smittenberg 1977: Table, 5, relevés 1–4) is the holotypus of the Brachypodio sylvatici-Holoschoenion romani Gradstein et Smittenberg 1977. (L. Mucina).

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