Aspicilion calcareae Albertson ex Roux 1978 nom. conserv. propos.
EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)
Aspicilion calcareae Albertson ex Roux 1978 nom. conserv. propos.
vni04 | We propose the conservation of the commonly used, although illegitimate, name Aspicilion calcareae Albertson ex Roux 1978 (ICPN art. 31) against the names Caloplacion pyraceae Klement 1955 (that has been not been used for four decades; see Remark vni06) and against the name Aspicilion calcareae Albertson ex James et al. 1977 nom. ambig. rejic. propos. (see Remark vni02). (H. Bültmann).
Caloplacion pyraceae Klement 1955
– vni06 The alliance Caloplacion pyraceae Klement 1955 (holotypus hoc loco: Aspicilietum calcareae Du Rietz ex Klement 1955 (Klement 1955: 73−75) includes the Aspicilietum calcareae Du Rietz ex Klement 1955 and the Aspicilietum contortae Kaiser ex Klement 1955, both classified today in two separate subnitrophilous orders of the class Verrucarietea nigrescentis. Of five other associations of the Caloplacion pyraceae, the Caloplacetum variabilis Kaiser ex Klement 1955 probably belongs in the Aspicilion calcareae, however the remaining four associations are classified in other classes: the Lecideetum juranae Kaiser ex Klement 1955, Acarosporetum glaucocarpae Klement 1955 and Lecanoretum aghardianae Motyka ex Klement 1955 in the non-nitrophilous class Clauzadeetea immersae Roux 2009 and the Gyalectetum jenensis Klement 1955 in the anombrophilous Roccelletea phycopsis Egea 2015. In addition, the species concept of Caloplaca pyracea auct. was ambiguous at that time and we can only assume that this taxon is the species now names Caloplaca oasis (A. Massal.) Szatala. Because of the problematic species concept of Caloplaca pyracea, the name Caloplacion pyraceae, unlike the name Aspicilion calcareae Roux 1978, has not been used in current literature. (H. Bültmann, J.-P. Theurillat).
Lecanorion calcareae Albertson 1946
Lecanorion calcareae Albertson 1950
Lecanorion calcareae Hawksworth 1972
Verrucarion sphinctrinae Černohorský et Hadač ex Klika 1948
Verrucarion sphinctrinae Černohorský et Hadač ex Šmarda 1947 nom. dubium
– vni05 The Verrucarion sphinctrinae Šmarda 1947 is based on a single relevé of the 'Buellia venusta-Verrucaria nigrescens-sociation'. This relevé includes species belonging to the three alliances described so far for the order Aspicilietea calcareae. Therefore, it would be impossible to classify the Verrucarion sphinctrinae Šmarda 1947 to any of those recognised alliances. See also Remark vni03. (H. Bültmann).
Verrucarion sphinctrinae Černohorský et Hadač in Klika et Hadač 1944
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