Xeroverrucarietalia Černohorský et Hadač ex Klika 1948
Xeroverrucarietalia Černohorský et Hadač ex Šmarda 1947 nom. dubium
– vni03 The original concept of the order Xeroverrucarietalia Hadač 1944 nom. inval. included vegetation growing on both nutrient-poor and nutrient-rich rocks, nowadays classified in the Clauzadeetea immersae and the Verrucarietea nigrescentis, respectively. The concept of the Xeroverrucarietalia Šmarda 1947 is based on the alliance Verrucarion sphinctrinae and a single relevé of the 'Buellia venusta-Verrucaria nigrescens sociation' containing species of all the three described alliances of the Aspicilietea calcareae. It is impossible to ascribe the Verrucarion sphinctrinae Šmarda 1947 to any of the three alliances and, moreover, the species concept of Verrucaria sphinctrina remains ambiguous. For these reasons we reject the name Xeroverrucarietalia Šmarda 1947 as a nomen dubium. For the status of the 'sociation' rank in Šmarda (1947) see Remark cer01. (H. Bültmann).
Xeroverrucarietalia Černohorský et Hadač in Klika et Hadač 1944
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