Order OD07 (PHR-07)

Arctophiletalia fulvae Pestryakov et Gogoleva in Kholod 2007

Arctophila wetland grasslands on oligotrophic gyttja soils in the Arctic zone of northeastern Europe, Siberia and North America

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Accepted name

Arctophiletalia fulvae Pestryakov et Gogoleva in Kholod 2007

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Arctophiletalia fulvae Petryakov et Gogoleva in Kholod 2007



phr12 | This order name was unintentionally validated by Kholod (2007: 41), who assigned here the only, in his paper validated alliance − the Arctophilion fulvae; see Remark phr13. (L. Mucina).


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