Alliance KC03B (ASP-03B)

Amphoricarpion neumayeri Lakušić 1968

Chasmophytic vegetation of limestone crevices in the subalpine and alpine belts of the Central and Southern Dinarides

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Accepted name

Amphoricarpion neumayeri Lakušić 1968

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Amphoricarpion neumayeri Lakušić 1968



asp07 | Lakušić (1968) validly described three alliances from high altitudes of the southeastern Dinarides, differentiated at regional geographic scale, the Amphoricarpion neumayeri, the Amphoricarpion bertiscei and the Amphoricarpion autariati. We suggest that just one alliance would be sufficient to describe the variability of the calcareous crevice vegetation in this limited region and therefore select the Amphoricarpion neumeyeri to carry the name of this united syntaxonomic concept. (L. Mucina).


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