amm04 | Braun-Blanquet (1921: 347) named this alliance first as 'Ammophilion littori-arenariae', however renamed it in the same line as 'Ammophilion'. This unit is validly published since it clearly contains the validly published 'Ammophila-Medicago marina-Assoziation' (documented in the same paper by a table containing 8 relevés). (L. Mucina).
Agropyrion juncei Pignatti 1953
Agropyrion mediterraneum Géhu et Géhu-Franck 1969
Ammophilion arundinaceae Br.-Bl. 1921 corr. Géhu et al. in Rivas-Mart. et al. 1990
(2b, corr.superfl.)
Ammophilion australis Br.-Bl. 1933 corr. Rivas-Mart. et al. in Rivas-Mart. et al. 1990
(2b, corr.superfl.)
Ammophilion Br.-Bl. 1933
Ammophilion littori-arenariae Br.-Bl. 1921
Euphorbio-Ammophilion arenariae Géhu et Géhu-Franck 1969
Sporobolion arenarii (Géhu et Géhu-Franck ex Géhu et Biondi 1994) Rivas-Mart. et al. 2001
Sporobolion arenarii (Géhu et Géhu-Franck in Géhu et Biondi 1994) Rivas-Mart. et al. 2002
– amm06 The vegetation of the embryonic dunes is classified by some authors within an alliance in its own right, the Sporobolion arenarii, or at least into an informal group of associations (such as the 'Sporoboleta arenarii'; Géhu 1996). The floristic and ecological differences between the vegetation of the embryonic and white dunes still remains to be convincingly demonstrated. (L. Mucina).
Zygophyllion albi Géhu et al. 1990
Zygophyllion albi Géhu et al. 1991
– amm05 Although Géhu et al. (1991: 218) have classified the Zygophyllion albi within the 'Arthrocnemetea fruticosi' (recte: Salicornietalia fruticosae), six of ten species listed in the relevé table of the holotypus of this alliance (the Elymo farcti-Zygophylletum albi; Tab. 3) are character species of the Ammophiletea and/or its subordinate syntaxa, and two are typical Cakiletea maritimae elements. (L. Mucina).
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