Alliance JD01A (AMM-01A)

Ammophilion Br.-Bl. 1921

Tall-grass perennial swards on mobile white and embryonic coastal sand dunes of the Mediterranean

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Accepted name

Ammophilion Br.-Bl. 1921

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Ammophilion Br.-Bl. 1921



amm04 | Braun-Blanquet (1921: 347) named this alliance first as 'Ammophilion littori-arenariae', however renamed it in the same line as 'Ammophilion'. This unit is validly published since it clearly contains the validly published 'Ammophila-Medicago marina-Assoziation' (documented in the same paper by a table containing 8 relevés). (L. Mucina).


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