Order CM09 (MOL-09)

Althaeetalia officinalis Golub et Mirkin in Golub 1995

Tall-herb periodically flooded meadows of the steppe and semi-desert zones of Eastern Europe

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Accepted name

Althaeetalia officinalis Golub et Mirkin in Golub 1995

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Althaeetalia officinalis Golub et Mirkin in Golub 1995



mol30 | The syntaxonomic identity of this order is doubtful. Description and diagnostic species suggest that this order can be largely identified with the Convolvuletalia sepium (Epilobietea angustifolii) and perhaps to a lesser extent with the Filipendulo-Petasition (Molinio-Arrhenatheretea). (J. Dengler, K. Dierssen, L. Mucina).


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