Agrostis stolonifera

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Habitus and growth type

  • Plant height [m]: 0.5
  • Life span: Perennial
  • Life form: Hemicryptophyte


  • Specific leaf area [mm2/mg]: 36.01


  • Flowering period: April-August

Fruit, seed and dispersal

  • Seed mass [mg]: 0.06
  • Dispersal mode: Local non-specific dispersal
  • Dispersal distance class: 2

Trophic mode

  • Parasitism and mycoheterotrophy: autotroph
  • Carnivory: non-carnivorous
  • Symbiotic nitrogen fixation: no nitrogen-fixing symbionts

Taxon origin

  • Origin in Europe: native


  • Environmental relationships

  • Substrate humidity relationship: Wet
  • Nutrient relationship: Mesotrophic
  • Salinity relationship: Slightly saline or brackish
  • Ellenberg-type indicator values

  • Light indicator value: 7.8
  • Moisture indicator value: 7
  • Nutrient indicator value: 5
  • Salinity indicator value: 0.7
  • Disturbance indicator values

  • Disturbance frequency: 1.24
  • Disturbance frequency (herb layer): 1.8
  • Disturbance severity: 0.48
  • Disturbance severity (herb layer): 0.45
  • Mowing frequency: 0.46
  • Grazing pressure: 0.35
  • Soil disturbance: 0.22

Habitat and sociology

  • EUNIS habitat

  • Constant species of EUNIS habitats: MA211 Arctic coastal saltmarsh, MA221 Atlantic saltmarsh driftline, MA222 Atlantic upper saltmarsh, MA223 Atlantic upper-mid saltmarsh and saline and brackish reed, rush and sedge bed, MA232 Baltic coastal meadow, N1H Atlantic and Baltic moist and wet dune slack, N1J Mediterranean and Black Sea moist and wet dune slack, N34 Atlantic and Baltic soft sea cliff, P2N Spring, Q41 Alkaline, calcareous, carbonate-rich small-sedge spring fen, Q45 Arctic-alpine rich fen, Q46 Carpathian travertine fen with halophytes, Q51 Tall-helophyte bed, Q52 Small-helophyte bed, Q53 Tall-sedge bed, Q54 Inland saline or brackish helophyte bed, Q61 Periodically exposed shore with stable, eutrophic sediments with pioneer or ephemeral vegetation, Q62 Periodically exposed shore with stable, mesotrophic sediments with pioneer or ephemeral vegetation, R21 Mesic permanent pasture of lowlands and mountains, R22 Low and medium altitude hay meadow, R31 Mediterranean tall humid inland grassland, R32 Mediterranean short moist grassland of lowlands, R34 Submediterranean moist meadow, R35 Moist or wet mesotrophic to eutrophic hay meadow, R36 Moist or wet mesotrophic to eutrophic pasture, R37 Temperate and boreal moist or wet oligotrophic grassland, R55 Lowland moist or wet tall-herb and fern fringe, R63 Temperate inland salt marsh, R65 Continental subsaline alluvial pasture and meadow, S91 Temperate riparian scrub, S92 Salix fen scrub, T11 Temperate Salix and Populus riparian forest, U71 Unvegetated or sparsely vegetated gravel bar in montane and alpine regions
  • Broad habitat

  • Occurrence in broad habitats: Coastal saltmarsh, Coastal cliff, Aquatic, Spring, Wetland, Mire, Grassland (non-alpine, non-saline), Saline vegetation, Scrub, Forest, Sparsely vegetated (incl. rock and scree), Synanthropic


  • Continentality amplitude: 8
  • Country-based map: Euro+Med Plantbase
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